Yah, Minamatsu-girl,
let us win the eggs
by that blowgun, don't you?
No, because we have (plenty
of *) eggs at home,
I hate your idea.
Hun, eggs in your home
must be the ones of Kan-on temple's
aren't they? £
Yeah, what in Kan-on temple are
The eggs of hens
£¢›¨Symbols which indicate the connection of
–¨means unreadable character
¡From Big Edo Prints¡
about blowgun
A sketch of a dart is drawn in the chapter of
weapon in a Ninja book "Bansen Shukai (Ten thousand rivers run
the sea)" published in Edo
And "Nihon-eitai-gura", written by Ihara Saikaku in 1688, writes
that there were blowgun craftsmen still. Games of small bow and
blowguns were so popular at those days.
They were also entertainment for adult in which one can win prizes
when the dart hit the mark.